Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament is a private prayer time to worship our Lord, truly present in a consecrated Eucharistic host, visible in the monstrance. Every person is welcome and encouraged to spend any amount of time with Jesus in the Adoration Chapel, located north of the main church entrance. There are no requirements to adore our Lord; all are invited to come to Him and offer silent personal prayers of thanksgiving, praise, reflection, contrition, supplication, or simply to rest in the Lord’s presence. Adoration hours available for prayer are: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 am - Noon. Wednesday, 9:00 am - 9:00 pm, and Saturday 8:00 am - noon. No need to sign up ahead of time, and you can stay as short or long as you would like. In addition, there is an option to become a regular adorer of the Eucharist, for one hour a week.
Call the Pastoral Center or the listed contact information for the key code to enter the Adoration Chapel.
For more information please contact Mary Van Sciver at 210-659-6782 or Mike Weaver at 210-393-3368.